A short review on "The Simarillon": A Detailed and Illustrated history of Tolkien's Middle Earth
Tolkien had created a great compelling world with a variety of intense characters. I met many of them for the first time in the "Lord of the Rings" series. Here there are far too many great characters to pen down. The characters like Hurin and his son Turin, Beren and Luthian, the Valars, Feanor and not to forget Morgoth or Melkor and his disciple Sauron are fantastically described and had been displayed in all their flavors. Mithrandir always has been my favorite and still it IMAGE by http://greev.deviantart.com/art/Mithrandir-348547257 remains the same. Though I would love to read about all the characters far more than it is given here. These are only some of the immortal characters that one will come by in this book. THE VALAR Photo source: http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/File:Tumblr_n2cn1tJpre1s3svhbo1_1280.png The book gives us a rich set of tales that explain in minute details the mythology behind Tolkien’s fantasy w...